Site updates and musings
Things of the past
February 2025
February 2025
Site Update
February 15, 2025
I'm all settled back into this site. I found that my poetry page was taking forever to load on my end to add the new poem in, so I moved last years to their own archive page. Now it runs much quicker for me to update.
Just also want to take the moment to say, it's great to be back into the neocities space. I tried the other site but it just was so plain looking and though it had a lot more features, I couldn't be down with it. Also I miss coding my site. I never in a million years would think I would enjoy coding but I love it. So I did test the other site for the week trial and decided to not keep it. Also some of you folks have told me it was kind of bland. I agree. Every time I would go into it to do my free writing or a poem the stark white back ground, looked empty and I couldn't actually feel creative in it. I was writing my stuff in my note books then typing it out. Weird eh?
That being said, it wasn't a bad site, just not Me, and also I love the neocities community a lot, and the morale of this place, because fuck big tech!
Keep breathing in stardust you wonderful critters
I'm back!
February 14th, 2025
I thought to try out another website provider that said it would give customization options with html coding etc, but it just wasn't the same as Neocities with customization etc. Sad I can't directly embed pdfs and stuff here, but the site charm is completely worth it.
Sorry for the flip flopping back to this site, but hey, never hurts to try something new.
Just give me this weekend to get this back up to it's normal self, so right now just be cool with sitting on the milk crates until I get the sofa and chairs moved back in. (Goddamn moving truck is late as usual.)
Keep breathing in stardust you awesome critters.
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